Climate Justice Revival

September 28 & 29, 2024

Text: reimagine together: From an extractive age to a new era. Drawings of two human heads with the image of the earth, with flowers along both sides.

Our congregation is joining UUs across the country to renew our commitment to climate justice.

Day 1: Saturday, Sept. 28–Facilitated Dialogue, 9:30 am to 1:30 pm

Day 2: Sunday, Sept. 29–Worship Service and Organizing Hour

Through church-wide dialogue, UCBR will to enter into a new era of climate action — one that establishes fresh frameworks at the intersection of climate and justice, and transforms our local climate justice-related work.

A light lunch on Saturday will be provided.

More details at the UU Climate Justice Revival FAQ page.

Please register by September 20 by filling out the form below.