Affinity Groups

Affinity and activity groups are open, small groups of like-minded individuals who meet regularly for conversation and activity. For more information on any of these groups, please contact the office.
Black Joy Collective
A group of black members of UCBR who find joy in being together.
BUDS Family Playgroup
Befriending UUs, Developing Sprouts. A time for connection and community for caregivers and their young children (ages 0-6). Free play and parent conversation. Older siblings are welcome.
LGBTQ+ Youth Circle
This group uses art and storytelling to provide inspiration for justice-making and liberation for LGBTQ+ youth ages 12-18, grounded in our faith and accompanying them into the wider community.
Lunch Bunch
The lunch bunch is an informal meeting of members, visitors and friends at a local restaurant at approximately 1 pm on Sundays after worship services. It’s a great way to meet other members and friends and to try out new restaurants. The locations are published in the newsletter and featured in the order of service on Sunday.
Open Circle Book Club
The Open Circle Book Club meets monthly and is open to all. Reading lists are announced in the newsletter and the orders of service.
Retirement Support Group
If you need support as you transition into your retired life, this group is here to help.
Sixth Source Sharing Circle
UU Pagans discuss their unique path. The group is dedicated to the UU principles and exploring their place in the natural world and their relationship with the gods.
Social Justice Team
This group (or one of its focused subgroups) meets every Sunday to discuss ways in which we can work together to bring more social justice into the world.
Women’s Book Club
This book club is open to all women and meets monthly.
We also regularly offer classes and activities that have included yoga, art, meditation, financial planning are more. Check our events page for continually updated information.