Dialogue on Race: Two Upcoming Learning Opportunities

Race in Conversation: Then and Now – The Importance of Unions for Civil Rights

Dialogue on Race Louisiana (DORLA) brings race into the conversation with Race in Conversation. Join DORLA for a one-and-a-half-hour dialogue online event. Bring a friend and enjoy an educational process for talking about race that can lead to understanding and change.

The past year has shown the world the power of unions to push for and achieve change that creates more just institutions. And yet, the through line from the labor unions during the Civil Rights movement is not always connected to current events. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. considered unions to be a crucial element of the fight for Civil Rights. In this one-time Race in Conversation event, we will look at the power of unions sixty years ago and why they are still necessary and crucial for progress today.

Invite a friend and join Dialogue on Race on Friday, May 10, 2024, 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. CT. Reserve your spot for $25 by registering here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/then-and-now-the-importance-of-unions-for-civil-rights-registration-874892395707  

Links for the participant materials will be provided after registration.

Dialogue on Race: The Original Series

DORLA also offers a six-week Original Series, which is a facilitated conversation structured around short readings related to important topics regarding race in the United States. Groups consist of 10-15 participants from all walks of life.  Learning about the history of race in our country and engaging in these open, honest, and brave conversations is one of the pivotal ways we can move towards a more just and equitable world.  

The next six-week series will be held on Wednesdays from May 15 through June 19, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. CT on Zoom.

The registration fee is $60 and you can sign up at https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/dor-original-series-206969. The Social Justice Team is sponsoring scholarships for UCBR members to participate. For the discount code, check your Wednesday or Sunday church newsletters or email  office@unitarianchurchbr.com for more information.