Children and Youth

Liberal religious education creates opportunities to ask questions, hear stories, and be joyful with each other. We teach the values and stories of many religions — as well as our own unique heritage — and celebrate each person’s gifts as important to our world.
Liberal religious education provides a structure for spiritual growth and learning in which children and youth — and their families — can grow and thrive.
We have two worship services (9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.). We welcome babies and toddlers in worship! Nursery care is available during worship and religious education classes, but many of our families enjoy worshiping together.
Our worship services are intentionally interactive: we sing together, hear stories and lessons, and share a chalice-lighting ritual. In our religious education classes, we focus on building community and living our faith. Our classes are divided by age and developmental stages.
Babies and Toddlers
Very young children need security and loving attention. Play is their work. At this age, the foundation of their spiritual development is building the trust that their needs will be met by compassionate adults who care about them.
Preschoolers and Kindergartners
Three- to six-year-olds learn by playing and doing. They are taking in what their family does, asking questions, wondering why and how, and learning about being in community together. This is the age of both the wonder of discovery and the security of ritual.
Elementary children learn about values, ethics, and Unitarian Universalism through stories and projects. Children at this stage are absorbing the stories of who we are as a faith community and learning how to apply our values to their lives.
Middle and Senior Youth

Adolescents are shaping who they will be as they grow into adults. They probe for answers, question authority, and solidify the values and ethics that will guide their decisions. At this stage, their faith community can help them formulate the questions, think through the possible answers, make choices that hold meaning for them, and build relationships that are deep and meaningful.
Parents’ Information & Registration
Parents can visit our page of family resources here for more information.
To register your child for Religious Education, please fill out this form.