Speaker: Rev. Nathan Ryan
Avast! A Unitarian Pirate Service
This Sunday we will explore (see what we did there?) the world of pirates. Join Rev. Nathan Ryan to learn how pirates have anything to do with Unitarian Universalism.
Gospel Service
We are not letting Covid stop our annual gospel service! Join the UCBR (virtual) gospel choir, HeartVoice Trio, and pianist Marcus Haney for some vintage gospel favorites. Led and organized by Marie Flowers.
Let Me Out!
The first Sunday of July, join Rev. Nathan for reflections on creation, rebellion, and liberation.
Leaving the House: Pride and Pandemics
Join us for our annual pride service, where we will explore how being exactly who you are is revolutionary and divine.
A Service Without Mentioning Coronavirus Once
(Except that one time). Join Nathan Ryan for a service on all those other things going on in our lives. It’s a break.
A Better New Normal
Our streaming service this week is led by Rev. Nathan Ryan. Join Nathan for his reflections on mothering, power and how to turn this all around.
Celebrating Spring
Despite the quarantine, we celebrate spring this Sunday with Rev. Nathan Ryan. Join us on Zoom or Youtube.