We Have a New Website!

We are delighted to launch our new website as we move forward in the search process for our new senior minister. This new site will allow visitors to find us easily, and to learn about all the ways they can connect with this congregation.

We are using a custom WordPress theme (or template) built by designers at the UUA, which is aimed at UU congregations and has a number of custom-built features to help churches get their information out into their communities.

Many features of this website are geared toward maximum accessibility for all kinds of users (those who use screen readers, for example), and we are continuing to work on making the site even more accessible.

Many church members and friends have contributed photos to this website, and we are endlessly grateful for their generosity. Their photographs bring the site to life, and show what UCBR really looks like.

We are very proud of our new site, and we hope you like it too. If you notice issues with the site, please contact us and we’ll respond as fast as we can.