We Are Moving (Email Addresses)

We are changing our email domain to match our website! All church email addresses that used to end in @unitarianchurchbr.com will now end with @unitarianbr.org. Please start updating your address books and contact apps. Our old email domain will continue to work for the time being, so your email shouldn’t get lost. If you have … Continue reading We Are Moving (Email Addresses)

UPDATED June Classes: Introduction to our Faith

Throughout June, our “Faith in Exploration” adult classes will offer a three-part workshop entitled “Introduction to Our Faith.” The classes will be held in Room 6 during Middle Hour from 10:15-11:15 a.m. between the two Sunday services. This three-part series will cover topics and questions often asked by those who are new to Unitarian Universalism … Continue reading UPDATED June Classes: Introduction to our Faith

Our Hearing Loop

Did you know that our sanctuary has been equipped a t-coil loop (also know as a telecoil)? The t-coil allows a hearing aid or a cochlear implant to receive wireless audio transmissions from assistive listening systems (ALS). This technology captures electromagnetic waves, which your hearing aid converts into an audio signal. Since it bypasses the … Continue reading Our Hearing Loop

Dialogue on Race: Two Upcoming Learning Opportunities

Race in Conversation: Then and Now – The Importance of Unions for Civil Rights Dialogue on Race Louisiana (DORLA) brings race into the conversation with Race in Conversation. Join DORLA for a one-and-a-half-hour dialogue online event. Bring a friend and enjoy an educational process for talking about race that can lead to understanding and change. … Continue reading Dialogue on Race: Two Upcoming Learning Opportunities

2024 Auction: Unitarians Gone Green Again!

It’s time for the annual auction fundraiser! Join us on Saturday, May 11, at 6 pm for an earth friendly, eco-themed auction. Start thinking about what you can donate to the auction this year. Full information is here: unitarianbr.org/auction. See you all there!

Movie Screening: Under G-d

April 7, 1:30-4 pm Join us to screen the film Under G-d at the church on Sunday, April 7 at 1:30 pm. A summary of the film is below. No registration is necessary! Inspired by the lawsuits filed in Florida challenging the state’s abortion ban on the basis of religious freedom, Under G-d is a … Continue reading Movie Screening: Under G-d