Friday Night Fun

Join us on Zoom for Music Bingo! We will gather online on the 3rd Friday of the month at 7 pm on Zoom. Mike Cavell will lead us as we play music bingo. Each month will have a new theme, so check back every month for new musical fun. All ages are welcome! The Zoom … Continue reading Friday Night Fun

First Virtual Roots Class

The Unitarian Church of Baton Rouge will be holding its first ever virtual Roots class in August. Roots is a three session introduction to Unitarian Universalism in general, UCBR specifically, and how you can get more involved in this church community. Roots will be held entirely on Zoom on August 6, 13, and 20, from … Continue reading First Virtual Roots Class

New Interim Minister Announced

UCBR is pleased to announce that our new interim senior minister will be the Rev. Eric Posa. He is currently serving at the UU Church of Boulder, Colorado. His website has a brief hello video to UCBR. He will begin his ministry in Baton Rouge on August 1, 2020.

Letter from Rev. Nathan to The Advocate

Rev. Nathan Ryan has published a letter in The Advocate urging the people of Baton Rouge to continue wearing masks and staying home when possible. Keeping our distance is difficult, and no one likes wearing masks, but let’s continue to keep our fellow humans safe.

Update from Rev. Joel

Church has become a “virtual” experience as we stay with a healthy distancing during this pandemic. I’m grateful we have this technology to keep connected, supporting each other, and find new ways to show up for justice work. I’m also grateful to the church’s staff for being so adaptable and creative while we are a … Continue reading Update from Rev. Joel

UCBR Church History Updated

Church historian Rebecca Cureau has spent her Covid-19 stay-at-home time working to update her documentation of the church’s history. She has brought her history up to the present with Rev. Crump’s retirement and arrival of the two interim ministers we’ve worked with since: Rev. Beth Miller and Rev Joel Miller (no relation). To read her … Continue reading UCBR Church History Updated